Green Barley is the only vegetation on earth that can supply the sole nutritional support for humans from birth to old age. It is recognized by Science as the most nutritious of all plant food for its chlorophyll, enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
The real power of Barley grass is found in the combination of all the nutrients making it a whole food concentrate as close to its natural state as possible and thus supplies the nutrients in a natural proportion.
There are many plants with satisfactory nutrition, but none covers as wide a spectrum of nutrients as Barley grass.
Drinking Green Barley Juice has been commonly recommended by experts who study natural healing techniques. In recent years, Green Barley has become popular among those seeking a potent source of antioxidant and phytochemical properties.
Nowadays, eating right is becoming more and more difficult. Thus, people who have been using our Barley feel that it is the best thing they have done for themselves in a long time!
Green Barley Juice is easy to use and surprisingly delicious! Our Barley is grown from select organic seeds at over 5,000 feet elevation in the mineral-rich soil of an ancient volcanic lake bed. Our Barley is irrigated by pure mineral water and harvested at the peak of nutrition. Our Barley is processed "on site" and is guaranteed to be 100% pure green barley powder.
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